Nowadays, dental diseases have a greater impact on the total body health of the people. The number of persons suffering from dental issues increases day by day. This is due to the unhealthy intake of foods such as junk foods, chocolates, cold food items etc. The treatment that is provided to prevent dental issues is commonly known as dentistry. This will help people to maintain the optimal health of their teeth, jaws, and gums. Maintaining a good dental health is very important for everyone.
A person those who provide treatment for dental issues are called as a dentist. A dental surgeon is a person who is a specialist in dentistry. A dental surgeon can diagnose, prevent and give treatment for any kind of dental problems. A dental surgeon checks up patient’s teeth and tissues in the month in order to diagnose the problem and then provide treatment to the problem that the patient suffers from.
There are different kinds of treatments are provided to dental problems. Some common dental treatments includes
- Removing tooth decay
- Filling cavities
- Repairing damaged teeth and
- Removing teeth and some other treatments
But these are the advanced dental treatments. These treatments are provided to patients when they are suffering from a serious dental problem.
There are several types of dental surgeons are there who are a specialist in some particular treatment.
Orthodontists – These surgeons straighten the teeth of a patient with the help of devices such as braces and retainers.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon – These surgeons perform the operation on the mouth and jaws of a patient.
Pediatric dentists – They are dental surgeons who treat children
Periodontists – these types of dental doctors treat gums and the bone which give strength to the teeth
Prosthodontists – These specialist change missing teeth with dentures and bridges
Endodontists – Specialists those who perform root canal therapy
Public health dentists – Doctors those who promote good dental health among people
Oral pathologists – Doctors who diagnose oral conditions and diseases
Oral and maxillofacial radiologists – These are specialists those who diagnose diseases in the head and neck using imaging technologies
These doctors provide a range of corrective and preventative services, such as straightening, repairing and removing decay from teeth, in addition to providing instruction regarding diet, flossing and other keys to good oral health. A Dentist treats patients those who come for basic check-ups or issues based on the condition their teeth and gums.
In addition to providing protective care and treatment, dentist surgeon help instructs patients on how to manage their dental health. Dentists hold doctoral or professional degrees and often operate their own practices. These dental surgeons help patients to keep their teeth and mouth clean and healthy. With the help of a dental doctor, people can overcome any kind of dental issues they face in their day to day life.
Dental surgeons help people to achieve the greatest smile on their face. Similarly, dental hospitals and doctors are available in anywhere for the people. Patients can visit those dental hospitals and doctors to cure any issues that spoil their oral health.